Transform ◦ Transpire ◦ Transcend
God has blessed our youth with gifts and talents of creative expression; it is our desire to afford each participant the opportunity to praise his/her Maker by giving expression through the beauty of dance, music, crafts and/or sports.
The Fine Arts and Sports Academy is a year-long program, divided into a summer session and a school session, that provides a safe, nurturing and morally rich environment while engaging youth, ages 10 to 17, in an array of organized activities that will employ their gifts, talents and strengths.
The success of this endeavor will aid in the prevention of gang activity, teenage pregnancies, and loitering; as well as, serve to reduce juvenile delinquency, the community's crime rates, and teen involvement with alcohol and drugs.
If you would like to know more information or how to get involved, please call us at 312.893.7532.